
Afghanistan Quiz: Uncover the Facts

Welcome to our engaging and informative quiz on Afghanistan! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge and provide intriguing insights into this historically rich and culturally diverse nation. From its ancient history and geographical features to its languages, historical empires, and natural resources, this quiz covers various aspects of Afghanistan’s heritage and current status. Whether you’re a geography enthusiast, a student, or simply curious about the world, these questions will challenge and enlighten you. So, let’s embark on this educational journey and explore the fascinating facets of Afghanistan!

#1. What is the capital of Afghanistan?

Kabul is the largest city and the capital of Afghanistan


#2. What are the official languages of Afghanistan?

Pashto and Dari are the official languages of Afghanistan​​.


#3. Which mountain range separates the plains in the north and southwest of Afghanistan?

The Hindu Kush mountain range separates the plains in the north and southwest of Afghanistan​​.


#4. When was the term "Afghanistan" officially used?

The term “Afghanistan” was officially used in 1855​​.


#5. What era marks the earliest human habitation in Afghanistan?

Human habitation in Afghanistan dates back to the Middle Paleolithic era​​.


#6. Which empire did not rule over the region of Afghanistan?

While Persians, Mauryans, and Mongols ruled over parts of Afghanistan, the Ottoman Empire did not​​​​.


#7. What natural resources is Afghanistan rich in?

Afghanistan is rich in natural resources, including lithium, iron, zinc, and copper​​.


#8. Which of these is a major product of Afghanistan?

Afghanistan is the third largest producer of saffron​​.


#9. What major historical trade route passed through Afghanistan?

The Silk Road, a major historical trade route, passed through Afghanistan​​.


#10. When did Afghanistan gain independence from British influence?

Afghanistan became free of foreign political hegemony and emerged as an independent kingdom in 1919 after the Third Anglo-Afghan War​​.


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